Friday, March 25, 2011

First Entry!

This very first entry happened yesterday, and another member of the Fluffy Bunnies (go look at my "about me") told me I needed to save it for my blog that I was thinking about.  This stems from being the only woman in a household of 8 (including the dog) and not being incredibly feminine myself.

So I got into a mood yesterday and painted my fingernails.  When I walked out of my bedroom, the boys notice and Second Son (14 yrs) says "But... that's so *girlie*."  And I had to tell him "That's because I'm A GIRL!" 


And then I was reading a book to Fourth Son (3yrs), who interupted and put his finger on my barely dried nail and asked "Whas dat?"  and I said that I colored my nails and he says "Is owee."  And I said, no, it's just paint and he said "It hurt."  He never did believe me that I didn't have an owee.


  1. Great! You did it!

    We only threw potatoes in my house! Flying diapers-I'd be ducking those!

  2. I only have one son, but when I first started wearing make up/jewelry/ anything feminine, his first response is, "I hate it." Every. TIME. So I make a point of doing it once a week at least (church) just to get him used to it. He's got three sisters, he'd better get used to girl things and buying pads and stuff.
