Saturday, April 16, 2011


Ok, pictured here we have sons #2, 3 and 4.  :)  Today, sons #2, 4, 5 and I went to the park with multiple balls and some baseball gloves. Son #2 and I were playing catch while son #5 crawled around in the grass beside us with a squishy ball and son #4 played on the playground.  But #4 got bored with that, and wanted to play catch with us.  We had a kickball-type Ironman ball with us, so I kicked it , and he thought that was hilarious and chased it down and kicked it back to me, for me to kick it away again.  Meanwhile, I was still playing catch with #2... and I soon found myself playing soccer with one kid whilst simultaneously playing catch with the other.

I have dubbed this new game CATCHOCCER!  When we told son #1 about it later, he felt that we should set up scoring rules.  Everything's got to get complicated, doesn't it?  lol!

And now, just because, I will post a gratuitous baby picture.  It's cute.  Who can't smile when they see this??  (And that brown stuff below his nose is peanut butter, I promise.)

And then one last item of business for this post, I will add a link to a video I took right after taking that picture.  It's of him talking and laughing.  Only follow the link if you can handle gooey sweetness. :D

Son #5 talking and laughing... who can resist baby's laughter???

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