Friday, April 8, 2011

I feel like such a jerk

Yesterday, I only saw by baby for about 20 minutes total.  I'd gone to work in the morning, then after work I got to see him for a little bit before I got ready for my date, and then spouse and I went to celebrate our anniversary.  We didn't get back until after the kids were in bed.

So this morning, I walk out of my bedroom to put my shoes on, and from his highchair (where he's being fed by #1 son), #5 son starts crying and throwing a fit until I wipe his mushy breakfast on his face and spring him from his restraints.  So now I'm trying to get my shoes on while holding him.  I hold him until I get out to the van, and oldest son follows me.  And once I get the keys in the ignition, I hand #5 over, and he starts to cry miserably.  His whole face got pale white, with the exception of his little button nose and his eyes and his mouth, which got all red and splotchy.  And his mouth was litterally turned down into a frown, with his lower lips sticking out while streams of big fat tears rolled down his cheeks.

I felt like such a jerk driving away as #1 son held him on his hip, bouncing him slightly and assuring his little brother that everything was going to be ok, and I'd be back later. :(

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