Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My own little Calvin

See the sweet child sleeping peacefully?  See the unsuspecting Barney that is slumbering as well, lovingly placed on the pillow for his comfort?  Today, son #4 invented a new game.  He has a little tractor that is now too small for him to ride around on, but Barney was carefully, lovingly, placed on the seat to go for a ride on the tractor... and then sent hurtling over the edge of the porch in a five foot swan dive into the weeds.

Run off the porch and into the crash zone below, searching the debris with dismay.

"OH NO!  OH my GOODNESS GRACIOUS!  Barney!  Are you ah-right?  Barney?"

Wait for mom to express concern for Barney and instructions to pick him up and fix it.  Toss Barney back onto the porch, struggle and put tractor back on the porch.  Run back around to ascend the steps and return to your best friend... then repeat.  Over... and over... and over...

1 comment:

  1. That's funny. Poor little Barney.

    My son used to stage bike accidents..when he was too young to even use peddles. I'd walk around a corner and there he would be, little bikey knocked over, spread eagled on the floor, waiting for me to scream and fuss over him..
