Thursday, April 7, 2011

From the archive: "Nerd-Chic"

This was originally an email on Feb 7, 2011

So after work, I was running home, picking up the baby and my wallet and taking off to the store to get bread crumbs for the pork chops for dinner. I had IMed my husband and told him I was on my way and to have one of the older kids get the baby ready.  I get home, open the front door and walk in and not three feet in front of me, my 16 year old is holding out my chubby baby for me to grab.

This poor baby was in a plaid, button up collar shirt that looked like it was buttoned up to the top because it was riding up to his chubby neck.  His stomach was hanging out, right above the tan corderouy pants that were TOO SHORT, they were high-waters.  And to top it off, his little fluff of hair on the top of his head was slicked over to the side.  I swear, he looked like a fat, 35 year old computer nerd.

I just looked at my son and asked "Seriously.  This is how you dress him?"  And the teenager just looks at me blankly and asks "...what?"  *eye roll*  Good grief.  Every time I looked at him in the store, I couldn't help but giggle.   Poor kid.  I at least pulled his shirt down constantly so he wouldn't be a Gus-gus the whole time.

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